Adventure Safety Series

After UNM-Taos released Rio Grande Serenade in 2021, the Public Lands Interpretative Association contacted us to ask if we could produce an Adventure Safety Series for the Rio Grande Del Norte National Monument. The idea was to introduce safety topics to international visitors who visit our monument annually.

A multi-year film project was born. Each semester, advanced students have had the opportunity to film on the river and participate in filming events around the entire monument. As the project came closer to completion, students were able to work on the post-production phase. We also introduced two animated characters, Joey and his dad, who show what not to do in the monument. These animated characters were created from scratch and 3D modeled in Blender by our faculty member, Lorenzo Lopez. We also had alumnus Hunter Tripp work on an animated map.

Many students, staff, and faculty in the FDMA program have contributed to this five-part series, which were debuted to the public on August 24th, 2024, at Bataan Hall in Taos.

Are there other momuments that you feel could use the same treatment, or do you have ideas for other potential collaborations?
Email UNM-Taos FDMA Program Director Peter Walker at We look forward to hearing from you!

Adventure Safety Series Posters

Click on each to view/download the full pdf.

Posters by UNM-Taos FDMA alumni Hunter Tripp